Team / Company|所属部門
2019/20年度ダンサーオーディション 9月6日 7時
コンペティション資格: ⑴週4レッスンを受けられること、うちバレエは必須、⑵コンペティション日程が空いていること、
a membership requirement
If the following conditions are met.
Passed a qualification!
ABS Company member
・3 or more lessons a week
or eligible technical skill
・Aiming to become a professional
dancer or ballet/dance teacher.
・Over 15 years training or eligible ballet/dance training.
・Dancer who are motivated to improve skill and have the ability and desire for work about choreograph
and teaching.
・Choreographed skill
・Teaching technique
・Learn method and order
of ballet technique by dancer’s age
・acquire ballet and dance terminology.
・Overcome individual difficulty
point and work genre of any dance
as a professional dancer
Company trainee
& TA Assistant
・A young dancer who are trying
to above requirement.
Summer Intensive
・2 or more lessons a week
・Dancer who improve high technical skill
・Dancer who try to competition
・Enhance strong body
Show Team
・Competition member.
・At least 2 or more lessons a week.
・Strong both physically and mentally.
・Parents who are supported dancer.
・The power to proceed for establishing the high goal
and team work skill.
・Need a response capacity about given mission.
Show Girls/Boys
(Event, Performance)
・1 or more lessons a week plus rehearsal lesson
(per week) to learn about performance.
・Focus exclusively on the essential dance skill
and technique intensively to reach the goal
of high level or score.
・Building up confidence In myself.
・Acknowledge a current skill
and understand next challenge
and task.
・Realize important teamwork
and improve skill to succeed high goal.
・get a fruitful result
and valuable award.
・Be able to create a meaningful
・Get high accomplishment
and a sense of fulfillment.
・be able to enjoy a teamwork
and improve dance level.
・Gain the confidence to feel